Hey Pat, so this is basically the situation. I was dating this girl, and I cheated, yes I cheated. So we broke up and she got a new boyfriend and now she’s cheating on HIM with ME, I want her back, I love her and she loves me. She DOESNT love him. I just want her back honestly, I know i messed up. – Hector Continue reading “Don’t See A Problem”
Category: Adultery
Should She Take A Lover?
My husband has mental illness. I am the main breadwinner. I will be leaving after my last child (out of three) has graduated from high school (he is only in 8th grade). I would leave now but I don’t want to disrupt my son’s life. Continue reading “Should She Take A Lover?”
Clues He May Be Cheating
Cheaters leave clues. Some are easier to find than others. This article is directed to women who believe their husbands may be cheating. Some tips and clues will be applicable to catching a cheat of either gender. Others clues are specific to catching a man who cheats. As with any and all information provided on this site, use what you can and disregard the rest. Continue reading “Clues He May Be Cheating”
Betrayed! Can You Forgive Your Spouse?
She confided that her husband had an affair several years ago. She suspected he was cheating at the time the affair was going on but it wasn’t until a year ago, after the affair had ended, that her husband acknowledged it. For the past year they have been trying to repair the damage to their marriage but she is having a difficult time. Continue reading “Betrayed! Can You Forgive Your Spouse?”
Exit Affairs
A marriage that ends due to an affair, whether it is an affair that was accidentally discovered or an exit affair meant to bring the marriage to an end, causes extensive damage to the betrayed spouse, the family and even friends and associates. Continue reading “Exit Affairs”
Cheat On Her Husband With Her Ex?
Occasionally I get an email that leaves me shaking my head in amazement at what people will do to mess up their marriage. One woman’s email was even more outrageous than most because she knows exactly the consequences her intended actions will have. Continue reading “Cheat On Her Husband With Her Ex?”
How To Catch A Cheat
Think your husband or wife is cheating? Here are a few tips that might help catch a cheater. Continue reading “How To Catch A Cheat”
Why Do Men Lie?
She wrote to say she had fallen in love with a man she met online. He told her he had been separated for years from his wife. Their relationship progressed to a physically intimate one. She met some of his friends and family and he met hers. He bonded with her young daughter. She was in love and pushed for commitment. He said he would rather work things out with his wife. “Why do men lie?” she asked in her email. Continue reading “Why Do Men Lie?”
Better Mistress Than Wife?
She wrote to explain that she and her ex-husband are now having an affair. They divorced several years ago; she is single, he remarried. He and his current wife have two children. Continue reading “Better Mistress Than Wife?”
The Other Person And Family Events
Throughout the world marriages are dissolving because the husband or wife has decided that they’d rather with with their lover than their marriage partner. These divorces and the continuing liaisons with the person responsible for the marriage’s collapse can cause some very serious problems for family members, business associates, and others who are less than happy about the situation. Continue reading “The Other Person And Family Events”
Is The “Other Woman” Committing Adultery?
She asked a simple question: “If a man is married and having sex with another woman that is not his wife, and that woman is not married, is she committing adultery? I know that the man is, because he is married, but what about the woman?” Continue reading “Is The “Other Woman” Committing Adultery?”
“So Perfect Together”
From an email to me: “…we both have spouses and we don’t want to hurt them, but we can’t give each other up, we’re so perfect together…” If there is one persistent theme in many of the emails I receive, it is expressed in those words. Continue reading ““So Perfect Together””
More Clues He May Be Cheating
Would you suspect your husband of cheating if everything was as it should be in your marriage? Probably not. But, because something just doesn’t “feel” right you need to confirm or deny your suspicions. Continue reading “More Clues He May Be Cheating”
Your Right To Cheat?
Is it your right to cheat if you are not getting your needs taken care of by your husband or wife? According to various articles and books I’ve read lately, the message I’m seeing is if cheating gets the job done, go for it. Continue reading “Your Right To Cheat?”
Warning Signs He Might Be Married
If you’re a woman and you live long enough, a man will come into your life who is so incredibly perfect in every way that you wonder if he could possibly be real. If you’re fortunate, that man will feel the same way about you and you’ll be on your way to relationship bliss. If you’re unfortunate, that man will take you to a new level of relationship hell. It happens when you find yourself in love with an adulterer (a/k/a a married man). Continue reading “Warning Signs He Might Be Married”
Cheating Wives
The spam email got right to the point: 4 Wives looking to Cheat, have been matched for you in your area: Sarah, 120 lbs, 5’6, 36c, 10 miles away; Morgan, 121 lbs, 5’9, 36d, 19 miles away; Kelsey, 124 lbs, 5’7, 34b, 14 miles away, available most nights (husband works midnights); Samantha, 125 lbs, 5’5, 36c, 25 miles away. All 4 women are waiting to speak with you live & have photos. Webcam’s are available for all 4. Continue reading “Cheating Wives”
Sex With A Cheating Spouse
Most married couples don’t practice safe sex. They believe they don’t need to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases due to the implied monogamy of marriage. For some husbands and wives this can be a fatal mistake.
Continue reading “Sex With A Cheating Spouse”
Husbands Who Cheat
A man knows if he is caught having sex with someone other than his wife he will probably pay an enormous price. Even knowing that his marriage is at stake, some men will still risk it all to sample sex with others.
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He Cheated, She Needs Answers
Her husband didn’t come home one night and she worried that something had happened to him. When he called the next morning, he said that he had spent the night with someone he picked up in a bar. She doesn’t know how he could be so cruel or why he would cheat. She’s in the process of divorce and having problems moving past the “why.”
Continue reading “He Cheated, She Needs Answers”
Revenge Cheating, Part 2
He took exception to what I said to a man who cheated to get even with his wife’s adultery. He said, when his wife cheated on him, his counselor told him if he needed to cheat to even the score it was okay.
Continue reading “Revenge Cheating, Part 2”
Revenge Cheating
He found proof his wife cheated but they decided to stay together and work on repairing their marriage. His resentment over her affair continued to grow and he decided to cheat on her to “even the score.” As soon as he had sex he called his wife to tell her that they were even. He doesn’t understand why she now wants a divorce. He says he cheated because she did and, if he could forgive her, she should be able to forgive him.
Continue reading “Revenge Cheating”
Married Acting Single
In four years of marriage, she says her husband has betrayed her several times. In addition to going to clubs by himself, he has been spending a lot of time online and portrays himself as a single man in posts and emails to other women. She doesn’t trust him and doesn’t believe he can stop cheating.
Continue reading “Married Acting Single”
Why Is It Worse When A Wife Cheats?
The movie is told from a man’s perspective as he dates several women. During the course of the movie he meets, falls in love with, and then breaks up with one woman. While he dates and beds various other women, he becomes obsessed with the possibility that his former girlfriend may have sex with someone else.
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Now She Knows He Cheated
They’ve been married eight years and have two children. For more than a year she suspected he was having an affair and it was recently confirmed. He says it’s now over but he still cares for the woman he cheated with. They’re going for marriage counseling but she wonders if the odds are against their marriage surviving.
Continue reading “Now She Knows He Cheated”
Torn Between Her Husband And Her Lover
She’s in love with “Bob” who stays in an unhappy marriage because of his two children. She has been married to “John” for three years and recently told him about her affair with Bob. John wants to stay married. She’s not sure what she wants to do.
Continue reading “Torn Between Her Husband And Her Lover”
In Love With The Wrong Person
He’s been having an affair with a divorced woman for the past two years. Now she’s planning on remarrying her abusive ex-husband. He says he loves her dearly and doesn’t want her to get hurt by him again. He asks what should he do.
Continue reading “In Love With The Wrong Person”
Is An Affair The Answer?
He says if it weren’t for their children and marital assets that he would have divorced years ago. To complicate things, the emotional affair he’s been having with a co-worker is now taking on sexual overtones. Rather than risk everything by filing for divorce too soon, he wonders if he should have an affair to see if his marriage is worth ending for a more serious relationship with his girlfriend.
Continue reading “Is An Affair The Answer?”
His Wife Wants Marriage And Her Lover
His wife is having an affair, doesn’t want to end it, but doesn’t want a divorce either. They have four children and currently live across the country from each other. He wonders if there’s any hope for their marriage.
Continue reading “His Wife Wants Marriage And Her Lover”
Should She Cheat With Ex?
She says her husband has dementia and isn’t interested in having sex with her. He has suggested she find someone for a relationship as long as she comes home afterward to care for him. Her ex-husband, who has remarried, seems to be the best choice for a sexual partner. She wonders what she should do.
Continue reading “Should She Cheat With Ex?”
Upset By His Wife’s Sexual Affairs
He recently learned his wife had sex with many of his friends when they were separated but working on a reconciliation. When they reconciled she didn’t tell him of her sexual escapades which included swinging. He says the fact they have two young children complicates a divorce but he can’t stand being around her because of the lies.
Continue reading “Upset By His Wife’s Sexual Affairs”
She Cheated, Now He Cheats
Her husband left after she cheated. Now he’s living with a girlfriend but calling her. She wonders if she’s fooling herself by thinking his calls mean he might come back. He tells her he’s not ready to file for divorce. She doesn’t know what she should do.
Continue reading “She Cheated, Now He Cheats”
She’s Pregnant, He’s Cheating
She’s newly married and eight months pregnant. She has caught him in lies about a co-worker who he admits kissing but not having sex with. She wonders how to deal with the rest of her marriage.
Continue reading “She’s Pregnant, He’s Cheating”
Which Should He Choose?
His first love, “Jane,” who dumped him, is having marital problems and he’d like to help. His wife doesn’t like him paying attention to Jane so he has been sneaking around to see her. He doesn’t love Jane but thinks he could and maybe could even learn to trust her again. He says he loves his wife and kids but sometimes is unhappy with his marriage.
Continue reading “Which Should He Choose?”
The Stonecipher/Boeing Affair
Harry and Joan Stonecipher have been married for 50 years but did the fact that they didn’t celebrate their 50th anniversary in the same style they celebrated their 40th mean all was not right in the Stonecipher marriage? Did Joan know Harry was cheating before someone exposed the affair and ended his career with Boeing?
Continue reading “The Stonecipher/Boeing Affair”
She’s Thinking About Cheating
She said her husband cheated a couple years ago when she was spending a lot of time working and not spending much time on their marriage. She says the love she had for him has never returned and now she’s considering cheating. She hasn’t cheated yet but thinks that if a stranger paid the right attention to her she might not be able to say “no.”
Continue reading “She’s Thinking About Cheating”
The “Don’t Leave Home Alone” Plan
Let me say up front that I don’t endorse this particular plan for leaving a marriage. My personal conviction is that one should have enough courage to leave the marriage and THEN seek another partner. There is considerable courage necessary to leave home without a safety net in place. Not everyone is ready to make such a leap, nor take such a gamble.
Continue reading “The “Don’t Leave Home Alone” Plan”
The Divorce Of Charles And Diana
Princess Diana’s death in a car crash in Paris, August 31, 1997, shocked the world. Never could anyone remotely imagine the impact the death of the ex-wife of England’s Prince Charles would make upon history itself.
Continue reading “The Divorce Of Charles And Diana”
Don Juans, Casanovas, And Other Men
In Scarlet Women, Femme Fatales, and Other Women I listed high profile women and the persons to whom they have been linked romantically. I thought it was interesting, and hope you did also. In this article I serve up the men.
Continue reading “Don Juans, Casanovas, And Other Men”
Threat Of The Other Woman
The two of you are in love with the same man but there’s just one problem, he’s married to you and cheating with her. What keeps a woman involved with a man who is married?
Continue reading “Threat Of The Other Woman”
Foolish Choices In The Name Of Love
We all do stupid things in the name of love. Some things are much more “stupid” than others. Of course, while we’re doing them, and sometimes even after the love is long gone, we still don’t see what we could have done differently.
Continue reading “Foolish Choices In The Name Of Love”
Jesse Jackson’s Affair
When Jesse Jackson made public the fact that he had fathered a child as a result of an extramarital affair, he received the support of colleagues and other public figures. After all, he had done nothing that many others hadn’t already done and he was owning up to his responsibilities and showing remorse for his actions.
Continue reading “Jesse Jackson’s Affair”
His Wife Isn’t Attracted To Him
Eleven years after they were married, he cheated and left her for the other woman. Shortly after their divorce, he realized he’d made a mistake, and they were remarried. Now, twelve years later, after she had a brief affair, she says she isn’t attracted to him anymore, needs passion in her life, and wants a divorce.
Continue reading “His Wife Isn’t Attracted To Him”
Too Little, Much Too Late?
He has cheated multiple times always promising his wife each affair would be his last affair. She has finally had enough and has filed for divorce. He asks: “Do you have any suggestions as to what my (our) next step should be, am I approaching this problem correctly? I love my wife, and am ready to commit my heart and soul in preserving it for good. I can’t even think of not being there for my girls or leaving them practically fatherless. And I know in my heart we can have a long and successful marriage.”
Continue reading “Too Little, Much Too Late?”
She’s In Love With A Married Man
She says her married lover has lived with her for more than a year and recently moved out to decide. Her divorce was final a few months ago. She thinks her lover may have moved back with his wife even though he does sleepovers with her quite often. She wants to know what she should do.
Continue reading “She’s In Love With A Married Man”
Strip Clubs And Married Men
To assume that all women who work in strip clubs are there to seduce every man who comes in the door is foolish. Many are young girls who believe their only marketable skill is removing their clothes for money. Many are single mothers trying to support a family. They’re all someone’s daughter. And many of them truly dislike themselves, the job, the need to exploit themselves, and the hopelessness of the situation in which they find themselves.
Continue reading “Strip Clubs And Married Men”
Should Adultery Be Illegal?
She wrote to ask if there was any way to make adultery illegal. Adultery is a moral crime and in some U.S. states it is grounds for divorce. In some parts of the world, an adulterer can be put to death. But should it be a criminal offense?
Continue reading “Should Adultery Be Illegal?”
Scarlet Women, Femme Fatales, And “Other Women”
When I began researching this article, the thrust was going to be on those women who were either married and cheating, or the “other woman” in a marriage, thus the title of “Scarlet Women.”
Continue reading “Scarlet Women, Femme Fatales, And “Other Women””
It’s Called Adultery
From an email to me: “…we both have spouses and we don’t want to hurt them, but we can’t give each other up, we’re so perfect together…” If there is one persistent theme in many of the emails I receive, it is expressed in those words.
Continue reading “It’s Called Adultery”
Adultery In The Military
Adultery Ok’d by US Military (?) Okay, that isn’t the real headline, and perhaps that’s not a literal translation of changes that were proposed, but if you missed the Associated Press story, I’m quoting from it below and adding my personal comments.
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Change Of Heart
Well, as much as I love Richard, my date with Leon showed me what I’ve been missing… so… I’ve had a change of heart!”
On the dating show “Change of Heart,” popular a few seasons ago, a couple shares with viewers the frustrations they feel about their relationship and then agree to each go on blind dates to see whether they’ll stay together or dump their current partner for their blind date.
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