She’s In Love With A Married Man

She says her married lover has lived with her for more than a year and recently moved out to decide. Her divorce was final a few months ago. She thinks her lover may have moved back with his wife even though he does sleepovers with her quite often. She wants to know what she should do.

I said:

I have to wonder if you got your divorce so that you could be with this man. It wouldn’t be unusual for two married lovers to promise to divorce their spouses only to have one back out. That may not be your situation but then you don’t explain why you and prince charming were living together four or five months before you got divorced.

It’s certainly not unusual for a father to feel guilty about breaking up his family’s home. It’s also not unusual for a cheat to use this as an excuse to keep a girlfriend from becoming too demanding.

If he is living with a friend, why don’t you drop in for a visit? Or don’t you have the address?

If you want to make him honest, tell him you will not see him, sleep with him, feed him, or provide a roof over his head until he is legally divorced. He will either remain married, find another woman to do all these things for him and remain married, or he will follow through with the divorce and return to you.

Love is an easy word to say. Make him prove it with his actions.