Most married couples don’t practice safe sex. They believe they don’t need to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases due to the implied monogamy of marriage. For some husbands and wives this can be a fatal mistake.
What does someone do when he or she suspects their spouse of cheating? If there’s no real evidence, is there good enough reason to insist that they practice safe sex when they’re intimate?
How does a wife who suspects her husband is cheating insist that he wear a condom before she’ll have sex with him? What if he refuses? Does she also refuse?
How does a husband who suspects his wife of cheating explain the condoms he wears when they have sex? Does he tell her he thinks she’s a cheat?
Adultery is a reality in many marriages. So is the increase in STDs transmitted by the cheater to his or her spouse. How would you deal with this extremely sensitive subject? Is unprotected sex with a cheating spouse worth risking your life?