Do you think your husband or wife is cheating? Are you tempted to install a program on their computer to “catch” them? Or have you already installed one of the many spyware or snoopware programs that are available?
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Category: Adultery
Young, Married, Cheating
She was 17 and her husband 22 when they married three years years ago. Now she is the mother of two small children. Throughout the marriage she has cheated on her husband. They fight and argue and sometimes throw things at one another. She says she married too young and wants to be able to “just date.”
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Would You Tell?
Here is an email I recently received: “My best friend is involved with a married woman. She has one child and a traveling husband. Is there any way that I can inform her husband without revealing myself?”
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Is Sex In An Open Marriage Adultery?
She’s involved with a married man and responding to an article I wrote about adultery. She says the situation is a win-win for her because she’s picky about who she has sex with, him because he gets good sex outside of his marriage, and his wife because she doesn’t have to be bothered. She wonders if a relationship in which the wife agrees to her husband having a girlfriend would still be considered adultery.
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