Should She Take A Lover?

My husband has mental illness. I am the main breadwinner. I will be leaving after my last child (out of three) has graduated from high school (he is only in 8th grade). I would leave now but I don’t want to disrupt my son’s life.

My question is, how can I find male friendship now or, do I just need to wait four more years? There are no online sites for someone in my situation. There are the ‘singles’ sites but I am not single. However, the ‘married’ sites are men who love their wives and will not be leaving them (but just want some outside sex bec their wives won’t do that).

Any advice appreciated…. Thanks.
Did your marital vows include “in sickness and in health?” If so, your husband’s mental illness is the “in sickness” part those vows referred to. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t divorce if you need to but, in my opinion, it means that while you are legally married you should honor your vows. To do otherwise is adultery.

Getting involved with another man now will disrupt your son’s life, even if you don’t physically leave home because your attention will be on the other man and not on your son or on whatever your marital duties might still be. It is impossible to get into a new relationship without taking something away from your current one.

I can empathize with you wanting to find someone who will provide emotional support for the next four years but how fair is it to an available man if he’s ready for a commitment and you’re still married? How would you be any different from those married men who won’t leave their wives since you don’t plan on divorcing any time soon?

It’s not the answer you wanted but it’s the only answer I have. ~ Pat