To assume that all women who work in strip clubs are there to seduce every man who comes in the door is foolish. Many are young girls who believe their only marketable skill is removing their clothes for money. Many are single mothers trying to support a family. They’re all someone’s daughter. And many of them truly dislike themselves, the job, the need to exploit themselves, and the hopelessness of the situation in which they find themselves.
To assume that all men who go to strip clubs go to have sex with the women who work there is also foolish. A visit to a strip club can be a harmless “guys night out,” or a place where men with low self esteem go because they feel they must pay for the attention of a pretty woman.
How would I feel if my husband went to a strip club? It would depend on the circumstances. My first husband went to strip clubs by himself or with his guy friends. I had very low self-esteem because my husband didn’t find me attractive and I felt that he went to do more than just watch. I couldn’t blame the women for a fault within my husband.
My current husband and I will occasionally visit such clubs when we travel. A trip to New Orleans never seemed complete without a visit to one or two of Bourbon Street’s adult clubs. Are my feelings about visiting these clubs different than in my first marriage? You betcha! My husband doesn’t care to go out without me and I am no longer intimidated by women who are more physically attractive than I am. The health of my marriage is good. I’ve also had a chance to talk with, as well as listen to, dancers and their comments have been quite revealing. (No pun intended.)
When I was divorced and single, I attended a few male strip shows with some of my girlfriends and I can guarantee that normally reserved women can be just as ridiculous as men when it comes to watching strippers perform.
I think the real reason for such anger at these types of clubs and the women who work in them has to do with the health of an individual’s marriage. If going to the strip club takes anything away from the marriage, whether it be household money, sexual intimacy, quality time, etc., then going to the club (in my opinion) is wrong.