Adultery Ok’d by US Military (?) Okay, that isn’t the real headline, and perhaps that’s not a literal translation of changes that were proposed, but if you missed the Associated Press story, I’m quoting from it below and adding my personal comments.
AP: “Pentagon officials have proposed downgrading the punishment for the crime of adultery, a change that could bring the military more in line with civilian life, The New York Times reported Sunday.”
ME: Wouldn’t it be better to bring civilian life more in line with the (existing) military view of adultery?
AP: “A committee appointed by Secretary of Defense William Cohen drafted changes to the Manual for Courts Martial that would result in fewer prosecutions and impose less serious discharge upon convictions, officials told the Times.”
ME: The result should end up with more adulteries in the military, wouldn’t it, since the current punishment didn’t work and this one is even more lenient?
AP: “Adultery would remain a crime under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, just as it is a crime on the books in about half the states, and officers could still face dismissal if convicted.”
ME: That’s fine…
AP: “But the new rules would urge commanders to file charges only when the adultery has disrupted the morale or smooth functioning of a military unit, officials said. Prosecution also would be discouraged for adulterous affairs in the past that don’t affect current service.”
ME: Maybe I’m missing something here, but if it occurs and no one knows, how would there be a chance for punishment? If, however, it occurs and someone in the Military finds out, wouldn’t this then cause a disruption?
AP: “For enlisted personnel, the maximum punishment for a conviction of adultery would be reduced to a bad conduct charge, instead of the more serious dishonorable discharge, which results in the loss of all benefits.”
ME: Good and bad. BAD?even a lesser deal to be caught. GOOD?the husband or wife of the adulterer may be able to get a better divorce settlement, should he or she decide to end the marriage because of the adultery.