Virtual Relationships And Online Betrayals

Do you tell total strangers your most intimate secrets and desires? Do you share details about yourself that you wouldn’t even tell your spouse when you know nothing about the person you are telling those details to? Would you have phone sex with someone whose number was carved on the wall of a subway restroom?
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Is Sex In An Open Marriage Adultery?

She’s involved with a married man and responding to an article I wrote about adultery. She says the situation is a win-win for her because she’s picky about who she has sex with, him because he gets good sex outside of his marriage, and his wife because she doesn’t have to be bothered. She wonders if a relationship in which the wife agrees to her husband having a girlfriend would still be considered adultery.
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Fear Of Being Homeless

Recently, I talked with a man who is just starting the divorce process. I don’t know what caused his marriage to sour and I didn’t ask for details. What he did share with me is that his wife wants the divorce and he is the one who has moved out of the house they’ve shared for almost 20 years. It is a second divorce for both of them but even though he has been through the process before, this time is more difficult.
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Dating With Children

The way children respond to divorce will be as varied as the participants and the circumstances. No one likes divorce, but some people (and children) are more mature handling it than others. In some cases, the children may welcome the fact that violence, abuse, and anger (if these were ingredients of the marriage) are no longer a part of their daily life.
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Ronald Reagan: The Divorced U.S. President

As surprising as it seemed to some that a former Hollywood actor was elected U.S. President, Ronald Reagan also held another distinction: he is the only divorced person to become president. Divorce did not define him, or prevent him for going after and getting the things he most wanted. Being divorced did not keep him from later meeting and marrying the woman who would stay by his side for the rest of his life.
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I Am An Adult Child of Divorce

My parents separated while I was working and still living at home (in that decade single females didn’t live away from home until they got married). Theirs had been a rocky marriage for many years so divorce was not unexpected. The fact that they remained in the same house during the separation and after the divorce made for some tense times, as might be expected.
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Children Of Divorce

If there are major losers in a divorce, it has to be the kids who are caught in the middle between two warring people they love dearly. It’s not unusual for kids to be used as bargaining chips or held for emotional ransom. Other times they must choose one parent over the other. No matter what role the child has within the family, he or she is an unwilling participant in this very brutal and emotional event.
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To Flirt Or Not To Flirt

Her divorce is just starting and her husband is living with the “other woman.” She’s looking for love in all the wrong places, and far too soon. She said: “I am having all these lustful thoughts about some of the men I work with. There about 8 men at work that I feel like if I could get one in the conference room for just a few minutes this fire would go out.”
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My Do-It-Yourself Divorces

I have been divorced twice and each divorce was primarily a “do-it-yourself” even though I did have an attorney for the first one. I was fortunate that my attorney was a former co-worker who agreed to do the paperwork and filings for my divorce. He was not a divorce lawyer but my needs were more for someone who could assist me through the legalities than represent me in a court battle.
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