She’s in her mid-50s and divorced after her husband left her for another woman. She wants to get married again but can’t seem to meet people she would like to date.
This is what I said to her:
You say you don’t meet people to just go out with for a fun evening but I suspect that’s because you have made it completely clear, by words or actions, that you’re not looking just for a fun evening but rather for a lifetime commitment.
When you learn to enjoy your own company, develop your own interests, gain enthusiasm for living whether it be alone or with friends, then you will attract others.
Begin by getting involved in something that you enjoy doing or have always wanted to do. A very partial list of suggestions includes dancing (take dance lessons), mentoring (at your local high school, for example), volunteer work (hospitals, day care centers, charitable organizations), part-time or full-time employment, or returning to school.
It is important that you become involved in activities that really interest you because your enthusiasm will show through. Besides, if you join a club or organization just to meet men, if you’re successful in your “hunt,” you’ll have to spent a lot of time continuing an interest for which you may not have much enthusiasm. And that would be painful for you and for your new friend.