Revenge Or Concern?

Their divorce is final and her ex is living with a woman who is still married. They share custody of their son and she thinks the son is at risk when he’s at the ex’s home.

I said:

Unless your husband is putting your son in a dangerous situation, he still is the child’s father with rights and responsibilities. You don’t say how old your son is but he is very young your concerns would naturally be greater than if your son is in his teens and more in control of his thoughts.

Are you truly concerned about your son’s welfare or do you want to “get even” for the pain you’ve been caused? You can hide the anger of your divorce behind the mask of caring for your son, but perhaps you need to try to work out an amicable solution for this new parenting role you and your ex share.

It’s important to your son that you and his father interact on a calm and mature level. Getting past the pain of your divorce isn’t going to be easy, and it’s going to take time. Please don’t make the boy a football.