Keep Moving Forward

I was caught in slow moving traffic, behind a large truck. No matter which lane I moved to, the truck was just a little quicker. It wasn’t that the driver was trying to keep me behind him, he was trying to find the fastest lane, just as I was, and most of the other drivers around us.

As I started to make another lane change, impatience getting the better of me, I realized that as long as I was moving forward, I was going to get to my destination. It was so simple: just keep moving forward. I felt a sense of relief as I pulled in behind the 18-wheeler, and continued toward my destination.

All any of us have to do when we’re dealing with life’s challenges is keep moving forward. Instead of frantically looking for the instant cure, which doesn’t exist, we have to calm down and take things as they come.

As long as we keep moving forward we’ll make positive progress. There are no “quick fixes” for bad marriages. Only you can decide what’s most important and how to get from where you are to where you want to be.

Clear your mind of all you feel you must do and focus on right now, this minute, this hour, this day, and take a step forward.

Are you in the “stay or go” stage? Today’s step forward might be to prepare a list of “why’s” and “why not’s.” If you’ve already done that, maybe your forward step will be to arrange to talk to a counselor. Or, maybe today’s forward step will be to call a lawyer.

Sometimes doing nothing is a step forward if it helps to clear your mind or cause you to refocus. It really doesn’t matter what you do, or don’t do, as long as you realize that getting through each day is another forward move you’ve accomplished.