Befriending The Inner Child

Some time ago, a husband wrote to complain about his wife. She was abusive, argumentative, demanding. He was considering divorce because he was unhappy with her treatment of him. There was another part to this story and it involved someone from his past, who had never really been out of his thoughts throughout his marriage, who had just recently reestablished contact with him.
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Rethinking Our Concept Of Marriage

On June 10, 1998, at the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting, it was stated that “women should ‘submit graciously’ to their husbands’ leadership.” This is part of the faith’s new statement of beliefs. Part of the new 18th Article of the Baptist Faith and Message reads, “A wife is to submit graciously to the servant leadership of her husband, even as the church willingly submits to the headship of Christ.”
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Little Annoyances That Can Damage A Marriage

If I’m ever going to touch a nerve, it will probably be if I ask how the toilet seat should be left after use… up or down. Most men would respond that they don’t have an obligation to place it back down, while most women would say they also don’t have an obligation to restore it to the up position that their man left it in after his last use of the facility.
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Afraid To Stay, Afraid To Go

Susan is in the same place many of you are — trying to decide which is better, staying in a bad marriage, or going out into the great unknown. Her husband has cheated throughout their marriage and she’s at a point of total unhappiness. She’s afraid to leave because of the financial security she would lose and she’s not sure she could improve her life by leaving.
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Continuing Parental Roles After Divorce

An advice columnist advised a woman to attend her son’s wedding and show class in dealing with her son’s demands regarding her role in the wedding reception. In other words, dance with her ex, pose for family pictures, smile whether she felt like it or not, and let the son have his special day. I thought it was pretty simple advice, except that:
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