A study of teenage sexual activity reveals that teens, and even some pre-teens, routinely engage in intimate sexual activities. When they don’t have vaginal intercourse, they consider they haven’t “had sex” with their partner. Their virginity is intact.
The intimate activities these young people consider “not having sex” are oral and anal sex. Neither oral or anal sex will produce children. Both acts put the participants at risk of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
Is it adultery?
When details of former U.S. President Bill Clinton’s sexual activities with Monica Lewinsky came to light, he got into more trouble for lying than for committing adultery. Most news reports focused on the type of sexual activity involved. Popular opinion was that they weren’t really “having sex” because “only” oral sex was involved. Is this why teens believe oral sex is harmless?
Oral sex involves actually touching the other person’s genitals with the mouth and/or tongue. How much more intimate can an act be? Anal sex between male and female participants usually means the woman’s anus is a substitute for her vagina. Again, how much more intimate can an act be? These acts involve touching the other person’s sex organs and bringing them to climax. Isn’t this what sex is about?
Cyber sex and phone sex
If two people thousands of miles apart have cyber sex, is it really sex? Is cyber sex cheating if they’re not even in the same country when it takes place? If two people engage in phone sex are they really “having sex”? Are cyber or phone sex cheating if one or both of the participants are married to other people?
When I looked up the word “sex” in the dictionary it said: “see ‘sexual intercourse’.” When I looked up “Sexual intercourse” it was defined as: “an intimate physical relationship, esp. between man and woman, involving use of the sexual organs.” Which sexual organs are not defined, just “involving use” of them.
So, are they or aren’t they having sex? I think, based on the definition I found in my dictionary, they are.