Changing Your Priorities

Most people who do a Web search on “divorce” are at least considering ending their marriage. They may be at the start of decision-making process or they may be very close to their decision.

Consider this:

Is it critical that you end your marriage now?

Can you give one more try to make it work?

Is forgiveness the issue?

Are you letting pride stand between you and the man or woman you pledged to love for the rest of your life?

Is trust the issue? Are you having a difficulty trusting them again?

What do you lose if you trust and they disappoint you again?

What do you gain if you trust and they don’t disappoint you?

There are some things that probably won’t change.

An abusive relationship probably won’t change.

A sexual addict probably won’t change.

A serial cheater probably won’t change.

A person addicted to drugs or alcohol can change if they choose but sometimes it takes walking away to open their eyes to what’s at stake.

Over the years, my focus has changed. I worry less about the future and live each day as though it might be my last. That may mean putting off difficult decisions for a while. That may mean jumping into projects immediately instead of leisurely studying the angles and then making a decision.

I have less control of “the future” than I do this day in front of me. Isn’t your life the same? What would happen to your priorities if you focused on “today” instead of looking backward at things you can’t change or forward at the unknown?