The emotion of love has no age limits connected to it. We are capable of loving at any age. The maturity of our love, and the durability of our love are unique to each of us and the specific relationships we enter. The reasons for our love change with our needs.
Is it possible for a teenager to fall in love? Yes, absolutely!
Is it possible for a teenager to understand what a lifetime of commitment means?How many people at any age really understand lifetime commitment?
Is it possible for a teenager to understand the freedoms they’re giving up? Not when they believe “true love” is a “better” choice.
Is it possible for teenage love to last a lifetime? Of course it is, but it is more likely that teenage love will last until one or both partners find the other is not meeting their maturing needs.
Forever is a long time. Forever is more likely to occur between individuals who have compatible emotional maturity and life experiences. Forever is more likely to take place after midlife crisis has solidified who we are and what we really want out of ourselves. When we have looked at where we are, where we’ve been and determine where we want to be.
How young is too young to fall in love forever? Young love, teenage love, is a stepping stone to the world of adult behavior. It is also a stepping stone to the world of adult pain and sorrow.
In an ideal world, teenagers would enjoy the freedom that comes with being single and unaccountable to a significant other. In our imperfect world, teenagers believe their first love is their only love, and they take the first step to divorce: They marry too young.
It’s a lesson in relationships, learned the hard way, by personal experience. Perhaps it’s the price we all must pay to find that one person who is our true “soul mate.” The person who may be our first “true” love, or our fifth, sixth, or seventh “true” love.
Not all young love will fail. Perhaps yours won’t. But, if you married young, and are now reading this divorce blog, it’s more likely you’re now in a troubled marriage or recovering from divorce. Are you?