From one of my articles on dating: “Looking single helps. I was speaking to a group of business people and asked them to hold up their hands if they were single and available. The number of raised hands surprised everyone in the room. I then told them to remove every ring off their left hand if they were serious about being identified as a single. Most people look immediately at the ring finger and if a ring looks even remotely like a wedding set or a band, they assume the person is married. If you don’t want to miss a dating opportunity, dump the rings!”
No doubt many men get confused when they look at a woman’s hand and see a bunch of rings or one ring that looks significant. Is she single? married? looking?
That was the problem facing a man who read my article and then wrote to ask what I thought about the rings worn by a woman he’d recently met. He couldn’t tell if the ring on her left hand signified that she was married, in a committed relationship, or was just for decoration. He asked if I could give him a clue.
I really don’t have an answer about the meaning of this woman’s rings but since she didn’t stick around long enough for him to ask her out for coffee or a dinner date, that tells me she wasn’t ready for ‘something more’ with this man. Maybe she is still married. Or maybe she’s only separated and not comfortable about dating. Maybe she’s involved with someone and just testing to see if she’s attractive to other men.
Like him, I haven’t a clue. Perhaps she’s just incredibly shy?but then, what about her positive interest body language during those two days of classes? Not typical for someone who’s a shy introvert.
If you are wondering what to do with your wedding ring or that diamond engagement ring, you might want to have it made into another ring, something less like a wedding set and if you do wear it, wear it on your right hand. Or put it in your jewelry box to pass down to your daughter or your niece. Or, if you’re running short on money, do like I did with mine: sell it.
If you’re really serious about appearing single and available should a single and available guy happen to be around, keep ALL rings off your left hand.
The same advice applies to divorced men who wonder what to do with their wedding band.