Can you remember when you first stopped trusting someone you loved? Or perhaps stopped trusting an acquaintance? You weren’t born mistrusting other people. You learned to hold back your complete trust the first time, or the second time, or the third time you got hurt for trusting someone who was less than honest with you.
As you grew up in years, you grew up in holding back trust. It became the sane thing to do. You learned that if you didn’t blindly trust, you wouldn’t be blindsided when a relationship failed. Holding back, saving yourself the pain, protecting yourself, became very important.
You knew no one could ever hurt you, really, really, badly, as long as you didn’t put your full trust in them. You felt secure and warm knowing no one could ever hurt you so badly again.
The reality is, without placing faith in someone, without trusting, even if it may cause you to ultimately get hurt, you’ll never experience complete love.
Love and trust are partners. They work well together. And no matter how many times you may be hurt by people who trample the trust you place in them, you owe it to yourself to bestow the ultimate trust on the next person you choose to love. Choose wisely and placing trust will not be so difficult to do.
When there is trust…
…you know he or she will be there for you no matter what happens.
…if you start to fall, they will catch you.
…if you are cold, they will warm you.
…if you need a hug, their arms will enfold you.
…if you need a soft word, theirs is the one you will hear.
…if you need a laugh, they have a joke.
…no matter what you need, you know they will be there, and they know the same about you.
But when the trust is gone…
….they may not be there to break your fall.
…they may be warming someone else when you need it most.
…their arms may already be wrapped around another lover.
…their words may be spoken softly to “him” or “her.”
…they may be laughing together… perhaps at you.
…and no matter how much you need them, you’ll never know if they’ll be there for you or if they’ll ever be there again.
…there is no way to plan for the future.
Without trust, there is no successful relationship.