Life is about compromises. In a successful marriage each person will be required at various times to compromise on issues that are important to them as well as numerous others that are fairly insignificant.
Compromise means going to a soccer game instead of the movies, or going skating instead of bowling, or living in the country instead of in the city. It means picking up after a spouse or choosing not to, buying a minivan instead of a sports car, letting the toilet paper roll over rather than under.
Compromise works both ways. You accept your spouse’s way on some issues, your spouse accepts your way on others. At least that’s how it should work.
Where do you draw the line on compromise?
Does compromise mean accepting a spouse’s abusive treatment? I think it does just up to the point you find your spouse has absolutely no interest in stopping the abuse.
Does compromise mean accepting a spouse’s infidelity? I think it does if you don’t have a survival plan in place in order to be ready for confrontation and whatever future that creates for you.
Does compromise mean accepting a spouse’s drug, alcohol, or sexual addiction? I think addictions such as these fall under the same category as abuse. They affect you, your children, your entire life.
Does compromise mean living in a sexually unfulfilled marriage because you and your spouse have extremely different sexual needs?
Does compromise mean having children when you don’t really want to be a parent or giving up your dream of children because your spouse is adamantly against being a parent?
Does compromise mean giving up your religious beliefs so that the both of you worship the same faith?
How much can you or should you compromise in order to have a successful marriage?
I don’t think you should ever compromise your core beliefs or go against your personal moral code. Compromise that puts you at risk sexually or legally or morally or physically is never good.
You’ll always be faced with situations that require compromise. You can’t always get your way. But don’t compromise on those things that are crucial to your total well-being.
How much compromise is too much? Only you know the answer to that.