The Power That Comes From Being Alone

Some people are so afraid of being alone that they would rather stay in a bad marriage or they will rush into a new relationship to avoid being alone. And yet, you can be more alone in a bad marriage than you’ll ever be by yourself.

Being alone does not mean that you must be lonely.

Being alone gives you the opportunity to discover what really makes you happy.

Being alone means taking control of your life.

Being alone means doing for yourself because you want to, not because you have to.

Being alone means doing for others because you want to, not because you have to.

Being alone means you can eat crackers and cheese in bed at 3 a.m. while you watch a sappy movie.

Being alone means you can cry if you want to.

Being alone means you can buy yourself something dumb.

Being alone means you can cook whatever you’d like — if and when you feel like it.

Being alone means that you may not always be able to afford everything you’d like to buy, but you will probably find the price of freedom from a bad relationship is worth adjusting your needs so that you want what you can afford.

Being alone means you can sleep all day and party all night.

Being alone means you can have a pet or two or four.

Being alone means you take up a new hobby or continue one which you put aside.

Being alone means you can take dance lessons.

Being alone means you are free to meet interesting people.

Being alone means you can be outrageous.

Being alone means you can pamper yourself.

Being alone means you don’t have to ask permission.

Being alone means you can have the friends you’d like to have.

Being alone means the remote control is yours.

Being alone sets you free.

Being alone gives you power.

Being alone makes you rich. Not in a monetary way but in a priceless way.

Being alone teaches you to depend upon the one person in the world who will always be there for you — you.

You may do many of these things when you are married, but most people don’t.

When you do meet someone who makes you want to give up being alone, you will take into your new relationship a renewed understanding of yourself. And your relationship will be that much more enriched with your knowledge that being with someone you truly love is just as good as being alone.