Separation Anxiety?

She has tried to walk away from her marriage four times but always returns because she misses her husband and feels she could never love anyone else. They have separate bedrooms, no common interests, no closeness. Is fear of the unknown bringing her back to a marriage she needs to end?

I said:

Are you afraid to be on your own? Is it better to be with someone, anyone, than with no one? You already know how lonely a marriage can be without caring and sharing in it. How much worse can it be on your own? At least then you are open to the possibility of meeting someone who could become your lifemate.

Separate bedrooms concern me the most. If there is no physical intimacy in your marriage, no holding or cuddling, who put a chill on this aspect of your relationship? Was it you? Or was it your husband? Did your relationship start off this way or has it just died a slow death due to lack of attention or boredom?

If you love this man, do whatever is necessary to get the two of you back on common ground. Marriage is compromise. You learn to watch sports with him and he learns to go dancing (or whatever) with you. It may mean you watch sports a LOT and he dances a little, but whatever you do, you do it together. With enthusiasm.

The two of you must communicate, and you must both want to make this marriage work. Otherwise, why be there?