She is self-employed and struggling financially due to an expensive custody battle in a divorce that has been dragging on for several years. She says her husband is hiding assets which has resulted in her paying him child support. She’s looking for financial aid to pay her bills and her attorney’s fees.
I said:
This is the part where you have to make choices. Divorce does a terrible dance on the type of life we’d like to live as opposed to the type of life we can afford to live.
You have a business, you make too much money to go on welfare or other support programs, and enough money that a judge orders you to pay your estranged husband support. So what is it you can afford to live without while you get the legalities over so you can start reconstructing your life?
Or do you feel that you shouldn’t have to give up anything? You might have to unless you can find someone willing to fund your continuing fight. Unfortunately, I can’t help you find such funding.
I’m one of the survivors who worked a second job in order to support my business, and refinanced my house in order not to lose it. It wasn’t easy, it wasn’t fun, and I was exhaused too much of the time. But I got through it. You can, too. It’s all about choices.