Pat Gaudette

AuthorWeb DeveloperPublisher

Web Developer

Since 1996, I have created websites for a variety of businesses, organizations, and individuals. Some were fairly complex, others were very simple. My goal as a web developer has always been to create sites that are easy for visitors to use and that are optimized for indexing by search engines. I prefer creating starter sites then teaching the owners how to use online editing programs, usually WordPress, instead of keeping me on their payroll although I have no problem being the “Webmaster on call.”

My largest sites focus on relationship issues: Friends and Lovers the Relationships Guide and The Midlife Club. These sites, combined, get more than one million page views each month.

I have several more sites, not as large as these two, focusing on a wide variety of interests. All newer sites were developed using WordPress but with millions of websites using the program, it has become the focus for hackers. Because of this, I have been converting all of my sites back to HTML although there is nothing that isn't hackable.

For a list of my sites, visit Home & Leisure Publishing, Inc.